Fellowship Experiences


A blog by and about students supported by Maryland Sea Grant

research fellow, SAV study. Photo, Debbie Hinkle

Photo, Debbie Hinkle

Learn to code and save time

Erika Koontz •
The software program called R provides scientists with a tool for reproducible graphics and statistical analysis.  Read more...

Letting Stable Isotopes Tell the Environmental Story

Grace O'Hara •
Stable isotope research set me on a path for graduate school. Now, I’m using stable isotopes to study the effectiveness of stormwater best management practices on nitrogen dynamics.  Read more...

From abstract concepts to real-world practice: How a legal scholar learned about on-the-ground climate change adaptation

Ju-Ching Huang •

Many scientists have predicted that this summer may be the hottest in the past century. Temperature is not the only concern; as the Earth gets hotter, it has caused sea water expansion, sea ice melt, and sea level rise. Under a warmer atmosphere, the intensity and frequency of precipitation has also increased.  Read more...

Schmutz in the Susquehanna: Researching Lyngbya cyanobacteria

Shayna Keller •

You may have heard the word “schmutz” used when cleaning up something unappealing, but you probably haven’t heard the word used to describe an organism. But that is what Lyngbya is: schmutz! This stringy type of cyanobacteria can be toxic and irritating, and it gets everywhere.  Read more...

Send the Email: Good things come to those who reach out

Erika Koontz •

Although I started graduate school in August 2022, my unofficial journey to graduate school began about a year before, with an email. At the time, I was working as a wetland research technician at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) in Edgewater, Maryland. I had a year left of my full-time, but temporary, contract.  Read more...

The Blue Crab: Callinectes Sapidus

An essential resource for researchers, students, and managers.  Get your copy today!

pile of cooked crabs