Knauss legislative fellowships in Congress help build careers — and they're fun and educational. See our video and fact sheet for details.
Through its Extension program, Sea Grant reaches out to Maryland — to its citizens, community and government leaders, and industries. Our experts travel to towns and cities across the state where we work with Marylanders regularly to help them respond to environmental and social changes.
Our goal is to foster viable communities with economies that are built to last. And to help those communities live sustainably within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Our Extension specialists focus on finding practical solutions to problems that affect Marylanders. We help communities improve the quality of their water. We assist seafood businesses with developing new and profitable products. We draw on the best scientific research and analyses available to inform the sound conservation and business practices we share.
Maryland Sea Grant’s Extension specialists and agents are experts in a wide variety of fields. Those include aquaculture, business, food safety, and watershed restoration. We facilitate workshops and training seminars, produce publications, and conduct applied research that can help solve practical problems. You can learn more about our work across these six areas:
Some of our recent successes include:
Maryland Sea Grant Extension is a partnership between Maryland Sea Grant and University of Maryland Extension. See a full list of our Extension staff members, by area of expertise.