Fellowship Experiences


A blog by and about students supported by Maryland Sea Grant

research fellow, SAV study. Photo, Debbie Hinkle

Photo, Debbie Hinkle

Lost in Translation: Traversing the Boundaries of Science and Policy

Jessica Foley •

As a graduate student with imminent timelines and heavy emphasis on the scientific aspects of my research, I can easily become so consumed with this work that sometimes I lose sight of the wider, practical implications of the research. I know I am not alone in admitting this.  Read more...

Conowingo Dam Traps Less Sediment, a Challenge to Bay Restoration

Qian Zhang •

The Conowingo Dam, located near the mouth of the 464-mile long Susquehanna River, can no longer trap sediment and nutrients (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) from the upstream watershed as efficiently as it used to.  Read more...

Sampling the Bay in Winter: Investigating Cold Water Mysteries

Nicole Millette •

Meet Heterocapsa rotundata, a species of phytoplankton that is about 10 micrometers in length.

While this organism might not look that impressive at first glance, to me this is the most important organism in the Chesapeake Bay and could impact striped bass abundance.


Welcome to Fellowship Experiences

Mike Allen •

Maryland Sea Grant is excited to introduce its newest outlet for sharing stories about our science and education activities – Fellowship Experiences: A Maryland Sea Grant Student Blog.  Read more...

The Blue Crab: Callinectes Sapidus

An essential resource for researchers, students, and managers.  Get your copy today!

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