Fellowship Experiences


A blog by and about students supported by Maryland Sea Grant

research fellow, SAV study. Photo, Debbie Hinkle

Photo, Debbie Hinkle

Conservation is Messy, and Science Can’t Always Fix It

Seth Sykora-Bodie •

Decisions about conservation are messy because, as everyone eventually realizes, science is subjective. I have been seeing this reality first hand as a Knauss Marine Policy Fellow working in the Office of Protected Resources (OPR) of NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). My work focuses on implementing the Endangered Species Act (for marine species) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act.


Always Exploring

Rachel Husted •

In her third and final dispatch, an undergraduate intern reflects on her experiences on a NOAA scientific expedition to the North Atlantic. | The Okeanos Explorer is back in port. The ship came in a day early due to concerns about Hurricane Cristobal.


Tapping the Climate Mitigation Potential of Blue Carbon Ecosystems

Emily Tewes •

Adapting to a changing climate is arguably one of the most significant puzzles of our time.  As a Knauss Marine Policy Fellow in NOAA’s Climate Program Office, I am exploring some of the many approaches that NOAA and other organizations are taking to prepare the United States and the world for the impacts of a rapidly changing climate. Among these is preserving coastal ecosystems like mangroves, which sequester large amounts of atmospheric carbon.


Mapping the New England Seamount Chain

Rachel Husted •

Another dispatch from our North Atlantic Ocean correspondent.  |  The Okeanos Explorer arrived at the New England Seamount Chain on Friday, August 15.


Living, Learning, and Interning on the Okeanos Explorer

Rachel Husted •

An undergraduate intern writes about her experiences on a NOAA scientific expedition currently underway.  |  NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer, “America’s Ship for Ocean Exploration,” is a truly unique place.


The Blue Crab: Callinectes Sapidus

An essential resource for researchers, students, and managers.  Get your copy today!

pile of cooked crabs