Current Post Graduate Fellows


Science Management and Policy Internship

Headshot of Hannah wearing a blue MDSG polo and standing in front of a plant wall.

Fellowship at:

Maryland Sea Grant College

Cool Facts:

Hannah graduated from North Carolina State University with degrees in Biological Oceanography and Zoology and a minor in Applied Ecology. Throughout her undergraduate career, she enjoyed learning about and participating in a mixture of ecological research and environmental management and policy. Hannah particularly enjoyed exploring the impacts of climate change on environmental and community health and was interested in working with an organization committed to addressing climate change.

Maryland Law and Policy Fellowship

Kai Hardy smiles for a portrait. He's wearing a suit jacket and standing near a railing in a grassy area

Fellowship at:

Agriculture Law Education Initiative and Maryland Sea Grant College

Cool Facts:

While in law school, Hardy served as the environmental justice managing editor for the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, playing basketball, reading, playing guitar, and watching movies.

State Science Policy Fellowship

Portrait of Michael Macon in a suit jacket standing in front of a window

Fellowship at:

Maryland Department of the Environment

Cool Facts:

Macon greatly enjoyed living in California and white water rafting in the Trinity Alps but is excited to return to his home state, where he enjoys sailing on the Chesapeake Bay and hiking in the Appalachian Mountains. He hopes to leverage his experience in public communications and interagency coordination to build bridges between the state and local communities to break down barriers for more resilient environmental policies.

The Blue Crab: Callinectes Sapidus

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pile of cooked crabs