Knauss legislative fellowships in Congress help build careers — and they're fun and educational. See our video and fact sheet for details.
Jeanette Davis joined the National Marine Fisheries Service at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a Knauss Fellow in 2015. She assisted the Office of Science and Technology in its sea turtle conservation efforts, working to develop stock assessments for vulnerable populations. She also traveled to Hawaii alongside NOAA researchers to study sea turtles in person.
Davis completed a doctoral degree at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science's Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology in Baltimore. There, she explored the bacterial communities that are associated with tropical sea slugs that congregate around Hawaii every spring to mate. She focused on the compounds that they produce. Some may have uses in human medicine, including one compound with potential anticancer properties.
Originally from Wilmington, Delaware, Davis was first introduced to marine science as an undergraduate student at Hampton University in Virginia. During that time, she lived for a month on a 53-foot sailboat as part of a research internship.
Following her fellowship, Davis accepted a position as a Research Associate at NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology
Knauss legislative fellowships in Congress help build careers — and they're fun and educational. See our video and fact sheet for details.
Maryland Sea Grant has program development funds for start-up efforts, graduate student research, or strategic support for emerging areas of research. Apply here.
Smithville is a community on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, on the edge of the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. A century ago, Smithville had more than 100 residents. Today, it has four, in two homes: an elderly couple, and one elderly woman and her son, who cares for her.
Oyster aquaculture is a rapidly growing industry in Maryland’s Chesapeake waters which stimulates economic activity and may provide a host of ecosystem benefits. A potential concern associated with the intensification of the oyster aquaculture is the local production and accumulation of oyster biodeposits, which can lead to a porewater sulfide accumulation and declining bioturbation, symptoms of declining ecosystem function. Sulfide is naturally removed from the seafloor by the interactions between bioturbating infauna and sulfide oxidizing bacteria.
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Complicated Contaminants: Finding PFAS in the Chesapeake Bay
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