Maryland Sea Grant Research Fellowships


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See lists of current and past graduate fellows supported by Maryland Sea Grant.

Maryland Sea Grant invites researchers who are applying for funding in the biennial research competition to apply for support for graduate student as a Research Fellow.

Students cannot apply directly to Maryland Sea Grant for a Research Fellowship; interested candidates should contact a principal investigator with whom they wish to study.

Starting in 2024, the application process is embedded within the biennial research request for proposals process.

Research Fellowships awarded as part of the 2024-2027 Maryland Sea Grant biennial funding cycles will provide two years of funding support, contingent on Maryland Sea Grant’s receiving funding from NOAA. Because of funding constraints, it will not be possible to award fellowships to all funded projects.

To apply for money to support a Research Fellow, principal investigators are required to submit a two page statement that outlines the student’s role with the project team, potential directions for the student’s research, plans for integrating the student into the project’s outreach efforts, and the training the student will receive through the fellowship. The statement should include information about recruiting a new student (desired credentials/experiences) or the qualifications and attributes an existing student will bring to the team. PIs may upload copies of student CVs (current students or potential recruits, if appropriate) as part of the package. 

Applications are evaluated by the biennial RFP technical review panel. Principal investigators are to be notified of the outcome at the same time as the research proposal so that they can begin to recruit potential graduate students immediately.

Ideally new Research Fellows will begin their appointment in February when the faculty research award starts. Students awarded a Research Fellow appointment will be asked to meet Maryland Sea Grant's human resource specialist several weeks prior to their start date to complete the necessary administrative documents for the award. 

Fellowship Terms

Maryland Sea Grant Research Fellows receive the administrative designation of graduate research assistant (or the institutional equivalent.)

Fellows receive salary and benefits based upon degree candidacy status. Additionally, they receive up to 10 credits of tuition remission during the spring and fall semesters. Fellows must follow all relevant guidelines set by Maryland Sea Grant.

We look to support a graduate fellow for a maximum of four years, as long as the student continues to be affiliated with a Maryland Sea Grant-funded research project. However, a fellowship can only be guaranteed for one year at a time. Renewal is based upon adequate progress and the availability of funds.

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