Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs

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This program provides assistance to help distressed communities attract new industry, encourage business expansion, diversify local economies, and generate long-term, private sector jobs.

Support Type:

Other- Cost-Share Funding

Restoration Activity:

Water and sewer facilities, primarily serving industry and commerce; access roads to industrial parks or sites; port improvements; business incubator facilities; technology infrastructure; sustainable development activities; export programs; brownfields redevelopment; aquaculture facilities; and other infrastructure projects. Specific activities may include demolition, renovation, and construction of public facilities; provision of water or sewer infrastructure; or the development of stormwater control mechanisms (e.g., a retention pond) as part of an industrial park or other eligible project.


Community/Watershed Group, Nonprofit Groups, Educational Institution, Private Landowner, Conservation District, Water and Wastewater Utilities, Local Government, State/Territorial Agency, Tribal Agency

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