Chesapeake Bay Comprehensive Plan

Support Agency
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Technical assistance


The primary goal of the CBCP is to provide a comprehensive and integrated restoration plan to assist with implementation of the 2014 Bay Agreement by:

  • Effectively and efficiently engaging Bay stakeholders to identify problems, needs, and opportunities in the watershed and avoid duplication of ongoing or planned actions by others;
  • Leveraging existing geospatial data to identify locations for restoration opportunities to maximize co-benefits (the set of multiple benefits or synergies returned from an explicit action to address multiple 2014 Bay Agreement outcomes) and making the most efficient use of implementation resourcing; and
  • Determining where and how USACE programs could be used to support implementation.


Support Type:

Technical Assistance

Restoration Activity:

Develop a comprehensive, strategic, and integrated water resources plan to guide the implementation of projects to assist in meeting the 2014 Bay Agreement objectives.
Identify areas for aquatic ecosystem restoration, protection, or preservation to assist in meeting the 2014 Bay Agreement objectives.
Identify at least one project in each of the six states and District of Columbia that can be considered for implementation or technical assistance by USACE and that supports the 2014 Bay Agreement objectives.
Identify new policies or programs or improve upon existing policies and programs that will help achieve an environmentally and economically sustainable and resilient Chesapeake Bay Watershed.


Nonprofit Groups, Conservation District, Water and Wastewater Utilities, Local Government, State/Territorial Agency

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