Bring Back the Natives (BBN)

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The Bring Back the Natives (BBN) initiative funds on-the-ground efforts to restore native aquatic species to their historic range. Projects should involve partnerships between communities, agencies, private landowners, and organizations. Funding for the BBN program is administered through NFWF from federal agencies cooperating to support this program. Cooperating agencies and organizations include the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), USDA Forest Service (FS), and Trout Unlimited (TU).

Support Type:

Funding Assistance

Funding Range:

$25,000-$100,000, 1:1 match required

Restoration Activity:

Preference will be given to native fish of eastern U.S. rivers, especially river herring and American shad in the Chesapeake and Delaware watersheds, and resilient populations of eastern brook trout throughout their range. Preference is given to stream restoration, protection, and enhancement projects on land where the causes of degradation and the health of the entire watershed have been addressed. Preference will also be given to support projects that will keep sensitive or declining species off of the Endangered Species List, or for listed species that have a chance for recovery and de-listing within five to ten years.


Community/Watershed Groups, Nonprofit Groups, Educational Institutions, Conservation Districts, Local Government, State/Territorial Agency, Tribal Agency, Federal Agency

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