

Community metabolism of Chesapeake Bay: An index of ecosystem trophic condition and potential oxygen depletion

Principal Investigator:

W. Michael Kemp

Start/End Year:

1992 - 1996


Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Co-Principal Investigator:

Walter R. Boynton, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Christopher J. Madden, Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science


The overall objective of this project is to apply our approach for estimating "trophic condition," and net ecosystem metabolism (NSM) to shallow areas of the Chesapeake Bay. Specific goals include: measure planktonic and benthic P and R along cross-bay depth gradients; relate NSM with O2 (% sat) and chl a within shallow and between channel stations and shoal areas; develop improved estimates of ecosystem NSM for the whole Bay; estimate the contribution of NSM in mesohaline shoals to inputs of particulate organics to subpycnocline waters in adjacent deeper areas; use this improved method for estimating NSM to deduce interannual patterns of NSM in the Bay and to relate these to changes in nutrient loading and hydrological conditions.

Related Publications:

Kemp, WM; Testa, JM; Conley, DJ; Gilbert, D; Hagy, JD. 2009. Temporal responses of coastal hypoxia to nutrient loading and physical controls. Biogeosciences6(12):2985 -3008. UM-SG-RS-2009-19.

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