

Production of disease-free oysters for use in oyster recovery area research

Principal Investigator:

Donald W. Meritt

Start/End Year:

1995 - 1997


Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Co-Principal Investigator:

Kennedy T. Paynter, Jr, University of Maryland, College Park



The objectives of this project wiIl be to deploy hatchery produced seed on a 5 to7 acre portion of a newly constructed shell bar in three Oyster Recovery Areas (ORAS) and monitor those seed to determine how well they survive and how quickly they become infected with P. marinus and die. The specific objectives are as follows: Deploy seed produced from remote setting sites (see other, related proposal by Meritt) on bars in oyster recovery areas (Chester, Choptank and Nanticoke Rivers), Deploy natural seed on a bar in the Nanticoke River to compare it to hatchery plantings, Monitor seed at all sites for growth, mortality, density and disease monthly except during January and February, Monitor changes in the benthic faunal communities on both seeded grounds and shell-only grounds to determine the impact of oysters on the bottom habitat as compared to shell only bottom.

Related Publications:

Reece, KS; Dungan, CF; Burreson, EM. 2008. Molecular epizootiology of Perkinsus marinus and P-chesapeaki infections among wild oysters and clams in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms82(3):237 -248. doi:10.3354/dao01997. UM-SG-RS-2008-10.

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