Class of 2009
Class of 2009

Move over the faces to identify the mentors and fellows.
Not pictured: Marsha-Gail Davis, Swarthmore College
Harold Manrique Hernandez, University Puerto Rico - Humacao Mayra Molina, Humboldt State University Christine Gallagher, Maryland Sea Grant Cristina Hernandez Gonzalez, University Puerto Rico - Aguadilla Laura Almodovar Acevedo, University Puerto Rico - Mayaguez Marion Maine, University Maine - Orono Christine Thurber, Gallaudet University Ryan Steenson, South Dakota State University James Saunders, Hampton University Lauren Hunker, University Minnesota - Morris Jared Steed, College of Wooster Elizabeth Brunner, St. Mary's College Zsolt Kormendy, University Maine - Orono Steve Lane, Spring Arbor University Jordon Hill, Princeton University Adam Frederick, Mentor, Maryland Sea Grant Jackie Takacs, Mentor, Maryland Sea Grant Dr. Tom Jones, Mentor, Salisbury University Dr. Fredrika Moser, Mentor, Maryland Sea Grant Merrill Leffler, Mentor, Maryland Sea Grant